Why Human Nature is Important When Evaluating Sexual Behavior 

Bringing Sanity to Sex_Part I

Bringing Sanity to Sex_Part II

The Consequences of Polygamy 

Why Sterile Heterosexual Acts and Homosexual Acts Are Not the Same

Should Catholics Stop Opposing Homosexual Behavior 

Sex, For Goodness’ Sake 

The Call of (Human) Nature 

The Moral Limits of Consent 

The Moral Logic of Sexual Consent 

Is Sex Okay As Long as Nobody Gets Hurt? 

How Contraception Thwarts Love 

When Tolerance Isn’t Tolerant

When Corporations Redefine Love 

Unreasonable Sex 

Sex is a Pro-Creative Act 

Different or Disordered? 

A Priest Stands for Truth 

A Barbecue to Accept Homosexual Acts? 

Reverent Sex: A Philosophical Defense of Why Reverence for the Natural Teleology of Sex Matters

Consistency on Contraception

Onan Died for This (And Nothing Else?)

The ‘Natural’ in ‘Natural Family Planning’


One Way to Debunk Transgender Philosophy 

Transgenderism Devours Itself 

There is No Fee Breakfast

Women, Men, Means, and Ends