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Presentation Titles:
Your Truth, My Truth: How to Understand and Refute Relativistic Thinking
In this talk, I expose the absurdities of the modern belief that truth is relative to what an individual or culture believes. I provide arguments to show that truth exists independently of what an individual or group of individuals might think.
Religion: Why Should I Care?
It’s often said that what folks need (especially teenagers and young adults) is not Aquinas’s Five Ways for proving God’s existence but a reason to care about religion in the first place. How do we pique the interest of those who are apathetic to the big questions that religion says it has answers to? In this talk, Karlo suggests that the key is to help folks identify the one thing that every person cares about: happiness. And inasmuch as happiness is linked to religion, it becomes clear why religion matters.
Science: A Believer’s Friend or Foe?
In this talk, I dispel the myth that science has done away with the need for God in explaining the universe, thus showing science is not a believer’s foe. I then show how science gives credence to belief in God by providing evidence for a beginning of the cosmos and the fine-tuning of the various characteristics of the laws of physics.
Why God Still Matters
In this talk, I dispel the common myth that science is sufficient to explain the universe in the place of God. I further argue that God still matters for complete human happiness, moral obligation, and our very existence.
Answering Atheism: Aquinas’s Five Ways for the Existence of God
Atheists are very fond of justifying their belief that God doesn’t exist by saying they have yet to encounter any good arguments for God’s existence. But when questioned about which arguments they’ve considered it becomes evident that Aquinas’s five ways for proving God’s existence was never on their radar. And even if they did consider the Five Ways, it was only a cursory examination the nature of which only leads to more questions than answers. In this talk, Karlo meets the need of the atheist and provides a clear and concise explanation of Aquinas’s Five Ways, showing that when understood properly they demonstrate God’s existence.
Why Doesn’t God Show His Face? Making Sense of Divine Hiddenness
Why doesn’t God make his presence undeniable to honest inquirers? It seems like a God who is all-good would not leave us stumbling in the dark, unsure of his existence—especially in times of trial and suffering when we need him most. The reality of God’s hiddenness can be a cause for struggle in our faith life, and skeptics seize on it to claim that he doesn’t even exist. In this talk, Karlo explains why it’s no reason for despair or doubt. Using a popular philosophical approach that is thorough and intellectually satisfying yet still accessible, Karlo shows how God’s apparent hiddenness is not contrary to his goodness, but flows from it.
Is the Jesus Story a Myth? How to Defend the Historical Reliability of the Gospels
In this talk, I respond to the most common objections skeptics give for not trusting the Gospel accounts of Jesus’ life and give reasons why they are historically reliable.
What Difference Does Jesus Make?
In this talk, I address the modern myths that constitute skepticism toward Jesus. For example, I respond to claims such as, “Jesus never really existed; he’s just a myth,” and “Jesus never claimed to be God; that was just an exaggerated claim of the early church.” I set out to dispel such myths by providing the historical evidence for Jesus’ explicit and implicit claims to divinity and why it’s reasonable to believe such claims.
“Where Oh Death Is Thy Sting?”: A Defense of Jesus’ Resurrection from the Dead
In this talk, I explain why the literal resurrection of Jesus, as opposed to alternative theories, is the best explanation of key historical facts in the Gospels—the empty tomb, the post-mortem appearances, and the unique development of the Christian church. I also explain why Jesus’ resurrection is important relative to our Faith and our existence after death.
Apologetics for an Age of Unbelief
In this talk, I give a how-to approach for dispelling the major cultural myths that serve as obstacles to faith—namely, that there is no such thing as truth, belief in God is incompatible with science, and Jesus is no different than other religious leaders.
Miracles: God’s Light in the Darkness of Unbelief
In this talk, I respond to objections that skeptics give to the possibility of miracles and offer credible historical evidence that miracles have occurred, as in the case of the resurrection of Jesus, and the miracles documented throughout Catholic history. I also explain why miracles are important in the life of the Catholic while at the same time emphasizing the need to have a healthy balance in our search of the miraculous.
Existence Beyond the Grave: Reasons Why There is Life After Death
In this talk, I explain why we have good reasons from both philosophy and scientific research to believe there is life after death. I also explain why existence beyond the grave matters.
The Four Levels of Manhood
Based on Fr. Robert Spitzer’s articulation of the four levels of happiness, I explain how there are four levels of manhood. I challenge men to not settle for the lower levels involving only sensory pleasure, material stuff, and ego-satisfaction but to strive for the higher levels of sacrificial love in service of others and union with God.
Forming Men as Guardians of Faith
In this talk, I bring to light threats to faith we face in our society and call men to rise up and take responsibility for the duty that God has bestowed upon men: to be guardians of faith.
Suffering: The Forging Fire of Godly Men
In this talk, I explain why men should not view suffering as defeat or a sign of weakness but as an opportunity to become a godly man through the exercise of self-sacrificial love.
Religion: It’s a Man’s World
In this talk, Karlo challenges men to no longer sit the side lines when it comes to the practice of religion. Using male figures from the Bible, Karlo shows that religion is not a world just for women but is indeed a world in which men have a primary role to play.
God’s Plan for the Family from the Beginning
In this talk, Karlo explains God’s original plan for a Catholic household as revealed in the Creation story. He highlights the various details that ground a father’s call to be the priestly leader of the family, which is the domestic church, and gives concrete practical examples of how a father can establish a Catholic household based on God’s original plan.
Living Life to the Fullest: A Compass for Human Happiness
In this talk, I draw on Fr. Robert Spitzer’s Four Levels of Happiness and show how living with a “Level Four” perspective is the only way to experience true human happiness.
The Splendor of Hope in the Vale of Tears
St. Paul writes in Colossians 1:24, “I rejoice in my sufferings.” But how can Paul rejoice in suffering? This seems absurd to the mind of modern man. In this talk, I set out to identify what might have given Paul reason to rejoice and have hope in the midst of his sufferings—a hope that protects from the death grip of despair and gives purpose and meaning to our lives.
Heaven: A Destiny Worth Living For
In this talk, I dispel the boring cultural image of heaven as clouds with baby cherubs playing harps and explains Jesus’ revelation of heaven as an experience of perfect love, joy, and excitement through fellowship with God and with every member of the Mystical Body of Christ.
Sexual Sanity: A Voice of Reason in a Sex-Crazed Culture
If sanity is the healthy state of the mind to see what is real and live in accord with it, then sexual sanity is the healthy state of the mind to see what is the real meaning of sex and live in accord with it. But is there a real meaning to sex? Or is it merely in the eye of the beholder? In this talk, I explain that there is a real meaning to sex independent of what every individual happens to think, and how the sexual activities that our modern culture celebrates (e.g., fornication, contraception, masturbation, pornography, and same-sex sexual activity among members of the same sex) violate this meaning. I also give reasons why we should reverence this meaning and live in accord with it, sanity being chief among them.
Thou Shalt Not Say She (or He): How to Understand and Refute Contemporary Gender Ideology
In this talk, Karlo highlights a few popular figures within our culture who embody contemporary gender ideology. In response, he shows that such ideology ultimately can’t withstand the scrutiny of reason. He concludes that we ought not say “she” when reality demands that we say “he.”
Surviving the Moral Shame Culture
No person of good will wants to be labeled as an intolerant, judgmental-hateful-bigot. Yet these are the abusive labels that make up our modern shame culture, slapped on anyone who is critical of the lifestyle choices associated with the LGTBQ+ movement. Are these accusations accurate? Are Christians rightly shamed for their views? In this talk, Karlo shows why these accusations are not accurate. He draws from his book The New Relativism: Unmasking the Philosophy of Woke Moralists and exposes the true meaning of these accusations and gives ways to refute them.
The New Racism: How to be Critical of Critical Race Theory
There are many things within the culture war that we as Catholics have been engaging with for some time: relativism, so-called same-sex marriage, contemporary gender ideology, etc. There’s a new kid on the block, however, that most Catholics aren’t familiar with: Critical Race Theory. What is it? Is it good? Is it bad? What should a Catholic think about it? In this talk, Karlo answers these questions. He identifies ten claims essential to Critical Race Theory and provides strategies as to how we can critique them, providing us with the tools needed to battle on this new front of the culture war with reason and charity.
The New Relativism: Unmasking the Philosophy of Today’s Woke Moralists
For the longest time relativism was the nemesis of Christians and all people of right reason. Then, seemingly overnight, we’re being told that it’s not a problem anymore. Why? Because in today’s “woke” world, most people are now moralists, not relativists. They impose a litany of new, seemingly absolute “commandments” to make sure we’re never racist, sexist, judgmental, bigoted, “anti-science,” or a host of other deplorable things. So, relativism must be dead; yesterday’s news. In this talk, Karlo Broussard shows that the dictatorship of relativism isn’t dead; it’s just hiding—behind the mask of woke moralism. Scratch these modern commandments we’re supposed to live by, and lurking underneath you’ll find the same basic errors of relativism: mutated into new forms, perhaps, but no less dangerous to our world and our faith. Drawing on examples both timeless and fresh as today’s news, Karlo unpacks the various styles and flavors of the new relativism, shining a light on their modern woke disguises and showing how to dismantle them piece by piece.
The Splendor of the Catholic Faith
In this talk, I show how the splendor of the Catholic Faith consists in the fullness of truth and life that subsists in the Catholic Church. I provide the Catholic with the basic tools necessary to share with others the evidence that Christ invested such truth and life entirely in the Catholic Church, starting with Peter and the apostles.
Meeting the Protestant Challenge
Protestants challenge Catholics in many ways. Sometimes the challenge takes the form, “Where’s that in the Bible?” But other times they object to a particular Catholic belief because they think a bible passage contradicts it. For example, “How can the Catholic Church teach that Mary was a perpetual virgin when the Bible says Jesus had brothers?” In this talk, I give five bible passages that Protestants commonly use to challenge Catholic beliefs and explain how to respond.
A Catholic View of the End Times
In this talk, I give the biblical foundations for the Catholic Church’s teaching on the end times. I identify seven stages that constitute the “last days” as found in the Catechism and Scripture. I also dispel popular myths about the last things, such as the Rapture, that are found within various Christian communities.
The Catholic Church: The Original Christian Franchise
In this talk, I show from the Bible and history that the Catholic Church is the original Christian Church established by Jesus. I first establish the biblical basis for Peter’s supreme authority given by Christ and then show from the early Church Fathers that such authority was transferred to the bishops of Rome who succeeded him all the way down to the present bishop of Rome, Pope Francis
“I Will Build My Church”: Defending Catholic Hierarchy & Authority
In response to common errors about the Church among many Christians, I give evidence from the Bible that the first-century Church established by Jesus Christ was not merely an invisible group of believers who possessed equal authority but a community of believers with visible leaders exercising divine authority to lead the people of God in the unity of belief—an authority that was transferred to other men beyond the Twelve.
Helpers on High: A Biblical Defense of the Intercession and Invocation of the Saints
In this talk, I answer the most common questions Protestants ask when it comes to the saints, such as “Why should I pray to the saints when I can go straight to Jesus?” or “Why do Catholics pray to saints when Jesus is the one mediator between God and man?” I also give reasons why requesting the saints’ intercession is a biblical thing to do.
Refiner’s Fire: Explaining & Defending the Doctrine of Purgatory
In this talk, I dispel the common misconceptions that surround the doctrine of purgatory among Catholics and Protestants alike. I also give the biblical texts necessary for Catholics to respond to the Protestant question, “Where is that in the Bible?”
God’s Words Written & Spoken: A Biblical Critique of Sola Scriptura
In this talk, I critique the fundamental building block of the Protestant Reformation, sola scriptura, and demonstrate that the Bible alone is not sufficient for knowing the fullness of God’s revelation. I also show how the Bible itself points toward the necessity of holding fast to a Sacred Tradition that is indispensable for receiving and understanding the truth of Jesus.
Salvation Unveiled: A Catholic Perspective in Dialogue with Protestants
In this talk, I explain the biblical understanding of salvation and justification as an interior transformation that puts one into covenantal relationship with God. I explain how good works fit in relation to salvation and give biblical evidence for their necessity. By using passages from Sacred Scripture, I also debunk the common Protestant notion that once we’re “saved” we can’t lose our inheritance of heaven.
The Seven Sacraments: God’s Saving Deeds Among Us
In this talk, I establish the biblical evidence for Jesus’ institution of the seven sacraments and show how in the sacraments God primarily continues to carry out his plan of salvation for mankind.
The Eucharist: Mere Symbol or Substantial Presence?
In this talk, I demonstrate the biblical nature of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Eucharist as the real body and blood of Jesus. I do this by drawing out the eucharistic truths found in Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse, the Last Supper, and St. Paul’s teaching on the Eucharist in his first letter to the Corinthians. I also explain the importance of the Eucharist in our lives in light of God’s relationship with the Israelites in the Old Testament.
To Confess or Not to Confess? A Biblical Defense of the Sacrament of Confession
In this talk, I answer the common question, “Why should I confess my sins to a priest when I can go straight to God?” I do so by giving biblical evidence for Jesus’ institution of the sacrament of confession, evidence for the early Christian practice of the sacrament, and by explaining the sacrament’s spiritual benefits.
The Bible Blueprint for Marian Dogmas
In this talk, I give biblical evidence for the four major Catholic Marian dogmas—namely, her title as Mother of God, her perpetual virginity, her freedom from sin, and her bodily assumption.
Your Royal Highness: A Biblical Defense of Mary’s Queenship
In this talk, I give biblical support for the Church’s practice of honoring the Blessed Virgin as queen of heaven and earth. I explain in light of biblical theology how Mary is the Queen in Jesus’ restored Davidic kingdom and as such is our intercessor..
The Bible Blueprint for the Mass
You go to Mass every Sunday and follow the liturgy, reciting the prayers, the creed, and everything in between, just the way you’ve been taught. But how much do you really know about why we worship the way we worship? How do you respond when Protestant friends and family put you on the spot and claim that Catholic worship is unbiblical? In this talk, Karlo takes you on a journey through the scriptural foundations for the highest form of Christian prayer—the Holy Mass. He shows you how the structure of the Mass, its words and gestures, its built-in theology, its heavenly orientation, can be traced to types and models in God’s written Word—to a “Bible blueprint” showing how to build a perfect temple of praise!
A Biblical Case for the Priesthood
Catholics believe that Christ instituted a ministerial priesthood specially ordained to teach and sanctify his people. Most Protestants think that the only priesthood—at least the only one taught in the Bible—is the common priesthood made up of all Christians, and so the Catholic idea is just another false “tradition of men.” Who’s right? Who does the Bible say is right? In this talk, Karlo plumbs the evidence and presents a compelling case that the Catholic priesthood is in fact biblical to the core. He shows that Jesus did not abandon the form of Old Testament priesthood but elevated and transformed it, giving priests of the New Covenant his own authority to lead, to teach, to forgive sins, and most of all, to stand in his place and re-present the once-for-all sacrifice that he offered on Calvary.
Cajun Accordionist to Cajun Apologist: The Life Testimony of a Cradle Catholic
In this talk I share my story of how I left a promising musical career in Southern Louisiana to become a Catholic apologist. I give examples from my life of how Catholic apologetics strengthened my faith as a cradle Catholic.