Audio Download

Questions Covered:

  • 06:15 – How do we know that the early Church didn’t arrange the NT in order to establish an organization for self-interests?
  • 16:35 – Is forgiveness from sins only through a priest?
  • 23:40 – How do you respond to this logic: Jesus says all who receive in body have eternal life, not everyone who receives communion has eternal life, therefore not everyone who receives the host is receiving Jesus body?
  • 34:37 – What does it mean to make a general confession? How does one go about doing one?
  • 41:25 – I think the title of Co-Redemptrix can lead people away. What are our thoughts on this title?
  • 47:00 – How can I have people take me seriously and be heard in the Church?


Questions Covered:

  • 01:29 – What evidence is there for Papal Supremacy?
  • 10:53 – What is the difference between doctrine, dogma, and discipline?
  • 18:01 – How do we as Catholics handle salvation by faith and works?
  • 23:32 – If a priest is stripped of his faculties, would that invalidate any of the sacraments he performed?
  • 30:48 – I’m not Catholic. I disagree with priestly celibacy.
  • 39:48 – The Church seems to deny that Mary had a normal childbirth. Is there a reason for that?
  • 46:28 – How do we properly defend the saints?
  • 51:36 – How do I deal with someone who subscribes to the historical critical method of reading scripture?