HOUR 1: 

Audio Download

Questions Covered:

  • 05:45 – How can we show that annihilationism is false using the bible?
  • 13:59 – I’m confused about the Catholic position on the death penalty. Can you help clarify?
  • 24:17 – Regarding the last 2 glorious mysteries (assumption and coronation). How do I relate to her and not feel like we are supposed to worship her?
  • 33:27 – St. Irenaeus’ letter says that the Church was founded on Peter and Paul. Can you clarify? Also when Paul first arrived in Rome, Acts says that there was already a community and there was no evidence that Peter had been there. Can you clarify?
  • 43:36 – Mt 19:11-12 If there were physical handicaps acknowledged in the bible, Is it possible to say that gender dysphoria is also a valid thing for us to acknowledge?