Audio Download

Questions covered

  • 09:19 – Why doesn’t the New Testament refer to priests with the Greek word hiereus?
  • 22:06 – Why are so many people fascinated by exorcisms, especially in horror movies?
  • 18:06 – It seems like there are so many things you have to do and rules to follow in Catholicism.
  • 41:01 – if everything happens according to god’s will/plan, which is what it says in the bible, then people have no freewill.
  • 46:49 – Why do Catholics revere relics?
  • 49:30 – In Luke, the word kecharitomene is rendered “full of grace” and I always thought Luke made up that word. Someone told me the same word in the masculine is used in Sirach and it’s translated “gracious.” Why is it translated differently?