A Priest Stands for the Truth

A Priest Stands for the Truth

There’s yet another uproar over Catholics opposing the celebration of same-sex sexual activity. Recently, Fr. Andre Metrejean, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Erath, Louisiana, criticized the New Orleans Saints for their decision to light up their...
Different or Disordered?

Different or Disordered?

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that the desire to be sexually involved with a member of the same sex is “objectively disordered” (2358). But for some, them’s fightin’ words. Take Fr. James Martin, S.J., for example. In a 2017 interview with columnist...
Sex Is a Procreative Act

Sex Is a Procreative Act

The Catholic Church, in Humanae Vitae and other documents, condemns contraception because the person who uses it to prevent pregnancy intentionally thwarts the primary end of the sexual act, procreation (the secondary and complementary end is unitive love). This...
Unreasonable Sex

Unreasonable Sex

Did you miss the Democratic candidates boasting their “Pride” credentials at the LGBTQ Presidential forum on September 20? If so, don’t worry: on October 10, CNN will be hosting the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s “Power of our Pride” town hall meeting, in which...