Sex Is a Procreative Act

Sex Is a Procreative Act

The Catholic Church, in Humanae Vitae and other documents, condemns contraception because the person who uses it to prevent pregnancy intentionally thwarts the primary end of the sexual act, procreation (the secondary and complementary end is unitive love). This...
Unreasonable Sex

Unreasonable Sex

Did you miss the Democratic candidates boasting their “Pride” credentials at the LGBTQ Presidential forum on September 20? If so, don’t worry: on October 10, CNN will be hosting the Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s “Power of our Pride” town hall meeting, in which...
How Contraception Thwarts Love

How Contraception Thwarts Love

When specifying to whom the encyclical Humanae Vitae was addressed, Pope Paul VI included “all men of good will.” This means that the Church’s teaching on the “inseparable connection between the procreative and unitive” ends of sex is not just for Christians, as if it...