Talk 1 of 5: The Biblical Origins of Catholic Worship – In this talk, Karlo demonstrates with great clarity that the Mass is not a foreign experience from the bible. To the contrary, Karlo gives evidence that the Mass and the Bible are absolutely inseparable since the Mass is where Christians speak and act in a biblical way.
Talk 2 of 5: The Mass as a Heavenly Experience – In this two part talk, Karlo takes the mind and heart on a scriptural journey into the heavenly realm and discovers that the divine drama taking place in Heaven is the very same reality that every Catholic encounters at every Catholic Mass, especially in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. With an in depth study of the Book of Revelation, Karlo pulls out the various details that reveals the nature of the heavenly worship and shows how Catholics on earth, while attending Mass, participate in that very same worship. Karlo demonstrates that the Catholic Mass is truly Heaven on earth and thus a heavenly experience.
Talk 3 of 5: The Biblical Roots of the Liturgy of the Word – In this two part lecture, Karlo takes a look at the Catholic practice of the Liturgy of the Word and finds its roots in the ancient liturgy of the People of Israel as well as the early Christian liturgy, both in the apostolic and post-apostolic age. He also provides an incredible meditation on the effects that the Sacred Scriptures are meant to bring about in our lives as we hear them proclaimed in the Liturgy of the Word. Let Karlo give you the tools needed to have a deeper and more profound experience of the Liturgy of the Word.
Talk 4 of 5: The Mass as the Transcendent Sacrifice of Christ – In this two part video, Karlo demonstrates with great clarity the true meaning of the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Mass as the re-presentation of the Sacrifice of Christ. As such, he dispels the common Protestant objection hat the Mass is a re-crucifixion of Christ. Karlo also gives an incredible explanation of the biblical revelation of the transcendent and eternal nature of Christ’s sacrifice, which serves as the biblical foundation for the Catholic understanding of the Mass being the one Sacrifice of Christ. Furthermore, Karlo gives biblical reasoning why the Last Supper was and is a sacrifice, particularly the sacrifice of Jesus.
Talk 5 of 5: The Eucharist – Merely Symbol or Substantial Presence? – Karlo dives deep into the scriptures and pulls out the Eucharistic truths as found in Jesus’ Bread of Life discourse, the Last Supper and St. Paul’s Theology on the Eucharist. In response to the common Protestant assertion that the Eucharist is merely a symbol, Karlo shows with great clarity that nothing could be further from the truth. He successfully gives the biblical evidence that Jesus’ promise to remain with His Church always until the end of time is ultimately fulfilled in His substantial presence in the Eucharist.