Talk 1 of 3: Mary: A New Eve for a New Humanity – In this talk, Karlo unveils the prophecy of the protoevangelium found in Genesis 3:15 and identifies its fulfillment in Mary as the New Eve for a New Humanity. Through this study of the sacred page, Karlo elegantly draws out the biblical nuggets that suggest, prove and point toward the sinlessness of Mary, both in her conception and throughout her earthly life.
Talk 2 of 3: Mary the Joy of Israel, both Old & New – In this talk, Karlo engages in an in depth study of the mystery of the annunciation and pulls out the clues that point toward Mary inaugurating through her fiat the messianic age. He also identifies in the annunciation the biblical theology of Mary as the New Israel. Finally, Karlo gives an exegesis of the words of Gabriel and shows how Mary is revealed in the annunciation as the Queen Mother of the restored Davidic Kingdom.
Talk 3 of 3: Mary the New Ark of the Covenant – In this two part video, Karlo directs an in depth study of reading the New Testament in light of the Old specifically giving an exegesis of the mystery of the Visitation found in Luke’s Gospel. With a close examination of the words from Elizabeth and Mary, Karlo demonstrates that Mary is the Mother of God and the New Ark of the Covenant. Finally, Karlo highlights the motif of the restoration and consolation of Israel present within this mystery.