Audio Download

Questions Covered:

  • 05:42 – How is it that we can’t keep cremated remains on the mantle but we can keep relics of saints?
  • 13:10 – Do most Catholics believe that most people go to hell or most people go to purgatory?
  • 19:00 – After purification in purgatory, do you think we’d even have the ability to think the same kind of thoughts we have here on Earth?
  • 22:18 – In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, is the Rich man in purgatory or hell?
  • 37:02 – Can the souls in purgatory pray for themselves?
  • 41:54 – What do people do in Heaven? Also, what is this whole new heaven and new earth thing all about?
  • 46:45 – Did Vatican II change the Catholic understanding of baptismal ecclesiology? My pre-conciliar catechism says we are born as soldiers of Christ, and priests are the officers. I like that. But now it feels like priests and laity are more like colleagues.