Episode 71: Year B – Easter Sunday
In this episode of the Sunday Catholic Word, we focus on five details found in each of the readings for this upcoming Easter Sunday, Year B. The first detail comes from the first reading, taken from Acts 10:34a, 37-43, which is Peter’s testimony that they have witnessed the ministry of Jesus and his resurrection. The relevant apologetical topic is that Christian faith is not blind faith. The next two details are taken from each of the optional second readings, Colossians 3:1-4 and 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8. The relevant topics are the nature of justification and the Real Presence of Jesus’ flesh in the Eucharist. The last two details are found in the Gospel reading, which is John’s report of the discovery of Jesus’ empty tomb, taken from John 20:1-9. Each detail is alleged to be in contradiction with reports from the Synoptics, thereby giving rise to an opportunity to reflect on the historical reliability of John’s Gospel.
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