What’s Your Protestant Challenge? (Hour 2)

What’s Your Protestant Challenge? (Hour 2)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ocKX8H_TdI Audio Download Questions Covered: 01:20 - How does the issue of free will square with papal infallibility? 06:13 - I like how some protestants treat Jesus’ words of righting wrongs before approaching the altar. Has the...

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What’s Your Protestant Challenge? (Hour 2)

What’s Your Protestant Challenge? (Hour 1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ocKX8H_TdI Audio Download Questions Covered: 06:46 - What is the purpose of holy water? 14:46 - Why would John’s account of what Jesus do after his baptism differ from the other gospel accounts? 20:03 - My question would be about...

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What’s Your Protestant Challenge? (Hour 2)

The Whys of Catholic Belief (Hour 2)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufMsOoWivS4 Audio Download Questions Covered: 02:53 - Why can anybody baptize but only priests can consecrate the Eucharist? 07:57 - What is a good answer to: why is there a physical dimension to the catholic faith, like blessing...

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What’s Your Protestant Challenge? (Hour 2)

The Whys of Catholic Belief (Hour 1)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufMsOoWivS4 Audio Download Questions Covered: 11:51 - Why do Catholics pray for the intercession of Saints? When did that start? 18:45 - Why do Catholics hold tradition equal to the bible? 23:42 - Why does the Church not have greater...

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© Karlo Broussard