Does James Say All Sins are Equal?

Some Protestants attempt to undermine the Catholic belief in mortal and venial sin by appealing to James 2:10-11, which says that if we break one commandment, we become guilty of them all. But does this passage have the firepower that Protestants think it does? In...

Are Biblical Miracles Too Far-Fetched to Believe?

Skeptics often think the miracles in the bible are too far-fetched to believe. “Dead people coming back to life? Blind people seeing? You expect me to believe that?” they ask. While sympathizing with skeptics in their initial reaction, I show in this video why it’s...

Is the Catholic use of Holy Water Superstitious?

Some Protestants attempt to undermine the Catholic belief in mortal and venial sin by appealing to James 2:10-11, which says that if we break one commandment, we become guilty of them all. But does this passage have the firepower that Protestants think it does? In...