by Karlo Broussard | Apr 21, 2016 | Articles, Philosophical Apologetics
After reading some exchanges on Facebook that were inspired by my recent blog posts concerning miracles, it became clear I need to explain exactly what a miracle is. A miracle is defined as an extraordinary sensible effect wrought by God that surpasses the power and...
by Karlo Broussard | Apr 12, 2016 | Articles, Philosophical Apologetics
Skeptics argue that miracles are impossible because the laws of nature are necessary. A miracle, they argue, involves a violation of a law of nature. But the laws of nature cannot be violated. Therefore, miracles must be impossible. One modern skeptic of repute who...
by Karlo Broussard | Feb 3, 2016 | Articles, Philosophical Apologetics
Should I believe in miracles? This question doesn’t pertain to whether I should believe in this miracle or that miracle. It has to do with whether I’m rationally justified in believing in miracles as such. DAVID HUME’S WISDOM FOR THE WISE The eightenth-century...
by Karlo Broussard | Jan 27, 2016 | Articles, Philosophical Apologetics
The Hindu practice of raja yoga has become popular in Western culture, especially within the New Age movement. Chanting om while sitting in the lotus position is meant to make one consciously aware that all is one (monism) and all is God (pantheism). That’s right! You...
by Karlo Broussard | Jan 27, 2016 | Articles, Philosophical Apologetics
One of the most passionately held beliefs among atheists and agnostics is that they can be morally good without belief in God. The underlying assumption is that God is not relevant to morality. But is this true? Can one be good without acknowledging God’s...
by Karlo Broussard | Dec 17, 2015 | Articles, Philosophical Apologetics
Is science the only legitimate form of rational inquiry? The evolutionary biologist and popular atheist Richard Dawkins thinks so. In a 2012 debate with Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, Dawkins claims that religion, as opposed to science, is “a...