Is God Alone Immortal?

Is God Alone Immortal?

The Catechism teaches that “every spiritual soul is . . . immortal: it does not perish when it separates from the body at death, and it will be reunited with the body at the final resurrection” (366). But some Christians outside mainstream Protestantism, in particular...
What Science Can Never Know

What Science Can Never Know

In “Is the Only Real Knowledge Scientific Knowledge?” I argued that scientism—the belief that science is the only source for real and objective knowledge—is a self-referentially incoherent belief. It’s not empirically verifiable or quantifiably measurable, and thus is...
There Can Be Only One

There Can Be Only One

In “A God-Bathed World” we saw that there exists at least one efficient cause of which essence and existence are identical. We called this ipsum esse subsistens—subsistent being itself. Such a being we also call God. But your atheist friend may counter that we still...