Dropped Calls (Hour 2)

Dropped Calls (Hour 2)

Audio Download Questions Covered: 05:21 – How does the Church establish the dogma of the Immaculate Conception with so much of the Early Church not clearly defining it and even St. Thomas Aquinas being contrary to it?  14:35 – If a person dies and is...
Dropped Calls (Hour 2)

Dropped Calls (Hour 1)

Audio Download Questions Covered: 06:26 – Is belief in the Assumption and Immaculate Conception necessary for salvation? 14:03 – If saints are confirmed to be in heaven, is there any barrier to the Church canonizing non-Catholics who live good holy lives?...
Dropped Calls (Hour 2)

Why Don’t You Think Catholicism Makes Sense? (Hour 2)

Audio Download Questions Covered:  02:45 – What’s the difference between a plenary and partial indulgence and are in the bible?  08:15 – Why do Catholics worship statues?   18:27 – Is there evidence that Jesus ever existed?  24:05 – Why do...
These Doctrines Aren’t Demonic

These Doctrines Aren’t Demonic

In 1 Timothy 4:1-3, St. Paul speaks of a time when some will turn away from the faith and “give heed to…doctrines of demons,” which he identifies as the forbidding of marriage and the consumption of meat. Some Protestants see this passage as a condemnation of the...