When Jesus Got Mad . . . Twice

When Jesus Got Mad . . . Twice

There’s no shortage of details in the New Testament that skeptics use to undermine the historical credibility of the Gospels. One is the timing of Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple. John places the event at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry (John 2:13-22). The Synoptics,...
No, God Did Not Bless a Lie

No, God Did Not Bless a Lie

In Exodus 1:15, Pharoah commands two Hebrew midwives, Shiphrah and Puah, to kill every Hebrew male child among them coming out the womb. But neither of them did as Pharaoh commanded because they “feared God” (v.17). When Pharaoh asked them why they had let the male...
Religion? Why Bother?

Religion? Why Bother?

It often happens there exist obstacles that block people from even beginning to take seriously the God question. Several of these obstacles have to do with a disposition to be hostile to or skeptical of religion in general. We’ve already looked at a few in previous...