What Good is Hell?

What Good is Hell?

When it comes to the Christian doctrine of hell, there is no lack of critics. One critique, espoused by David Bentley Hart, is that hell necessarily entails punishment without reform, which seemingly would be contrary to God’s goodness. In his book That All Shall Be...
When Jesus Got Mad . . . Twice

When Jesus Got Mad . . . Twice

There’s no shortage of details in the New Testament that skeptics use to undermine the historical credibility of the Gospels. One is the timing of Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple. John places the event at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry (John 2:13-22). The Synoptics,...
These Doctrines Aren’t Demonic

These Doctrines Aren’t Demonic

In 1 Timothy 4:1-3, St. Paul speaks of a time when some will turn away from the faith and “give heed to…doctrines of demons,” which he identifies as the forbidding of marriage and the consumption of meat. Some Protestants see this passage as a condemnation of the...
Women, Men, Means and Ends

Women, Men, Means and Ends

Recently, Ohio governor Mike DeWine vetoed a bill (Ohio House Bill 68) that his own Ohio Republican party-majority House and Senate passed to ban “gender transition care” for youths under eighteen, which would include hormone therapy, puberty-blocker medication, and...
Morals Are Real Even if We Disagree

Morals Are Real Even if We Disagree

Moral relativists think moral absolutes don’t exist because cultures differ in their moral beliefs. But is this a rational inference? No; here are some reasons why. First, it confuses the accurate knowledge of moral truths with the existence of moral truths. Differing...