Jesus is Not a Pagan Greek God

Jesus is Not a Pagan Greek God

Objections to the belief in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist are numerous. Some attempt to expose the absurdities (here and here) of such belief. Others attempt to show that such belief contradicts what we know elsewhere in the Bible. Consider, for example,...
How to Tell if You’re a Bigot

How to Tell if You’re a Bigot

When a Christian expresses his disapproval of sexual activity between members of the same sex, he’s often criticized for being a bigot. As a result, many Christians back down from expressing their disapproval, since no one wants to be a bigot. So what can we say in...
If You Don’t Eat, You’ll Die

If You Don’t Eat, You’ll Die

In a previous article, we looked at an objection to the Catholic doctrine on the Real Pressence from Protestant pastor Todd Baker: a literal interpretation of Jesus’ words “eat my flesh . . . drink my blood” leads to absurdity. Baker’s inferred absurdity is that by...
Eat the Flesh. Drink the Blood. Really!

Eat the Flesh. Drink the Blood. Really!

There is no shortage of counters to the literal reading of Jesus’ words “eat my flesh . . . drink my blood” (John 6:54-58). One form these counters take is showing that such a literal reading entails an absurdity. Protestant Pastor Todd Baker makes this kind of...