How to Destroy a Soul

How to Destroy a Soul

In a previous article, we looked at the nature of the soul and left off with some important questions. Can the soul continue to exist after the death of the body? If so, can it be destroyed? Let’s consider these questions here. The key to answering the question of...
If You Eat My Flesh, You Eat My Body

If You Eat My Flesh, You Eat My Body

In a previous article, we said Catholics often present arguments for our beliefs without considering the assumptions our arguments rest on. Today’s example concerns John 6:53-58, which Catholics use to argue for Catholic theology on the Eucharist by assuming that...
Religion? Why Bother?

Religion? Why Bother?

It often happens there exist obstacles that block people from even beginning to take seriously the God question. Several of these obstacles have to do with a disposition to be hostile to or skeptical of religion in general. We’ve already looked at a few in previous...