by Karlo Broussard | Jan 11, 2023 | Articles, Dogmatic Theology/Apologetics
Original sin is one of those topics that divide Christians. Those of us who believe in it profess that it’s essential to Jesus’ saving mission. It’s the reason why we need to be “born again” to “see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Those who reject original sin might...
by Karlo Broussard | Dec 20, 2022 | Articles, Dogmatic Theology/Apologetics
One thing that divides Catholics and some Protestants is the understanding of justification, a theological term that’s generally used to signify a Christian being in a right relationship with God—meaning he is no longer subject to condemnation on account of sin. The...
by Karlo Broussard | Nov 15, 2022 | Articles, General Ethics
It’s immoral to kill an innocent human being. That’s because we all have a “right to life”—a moral claim on one another not to be killed. But some might say that this approach creates a conflict with our general intuitions about justified lethal self-defense. Does the...
by Karlo Broussard | Oct 28, 2022 | Articles, General Ethics
Recently, I attended a city council meeting in Temecula, California, to hear what people had to say concerning a proposed resolution to make Temecula a sanctuary city for the unborn and for the city council to, as a unified group, oppose Proposition 1, which, among...
by Karlo Broussard | Oct 3, 2022 | Articles, Dogmatic Theology/Apologetics
When it comes to the Protestant doctrine of sola scriptura (Latin, “scripture alone”), Catholics have some popular rejoinders. One of the most popular is captured in the phrase, “Where’s that in the Bible?” The idea here is this: for a Protestant, Scripture alone...
by Karlo Broussard | Sep 16, 2022 | Articles, General Ethics
“Thou shalt not kill the innocent.” Everyone accepts that, right? Think again. Fifty years ago, Judith Jarvis Thomson didn’t buy it. In her 1971 paper, “A Defense of Abortion,” she explicitly denied the idea that “directly killing an innocent person is always and...