Audio Download


Questions Covered:

  • 04:15 – Is it ok for me to attend a Bar Mitzvah?
  • 06:10 – How do we know for sure that it was Samuel that the witch of Endor contacted?
  • 12:19 – You can lose your salvation but what must happen for that to occur?
  • 19:45 – Is the entire mass a sacrifice or just the Eucharist? Is the profession of faith essential?
  • 24:20 – Do we as Catholics fall under any of the following categories; provisionist, open theists, Arminian? I know Calvinists use these categories.
  • 34:41 – If God knows the future, then why does he regret making humans Gen 6:6?
  • 44:17 – In the bible it says things like ‘ I chose you and you’re a chosen race. Why are some people chosen?
  • 48:41 – Could you explain how we know that the saints can hear us, and why having statues doesn’t mean we worship them?
  • 52:52 – What is the Beatific Vision?