The Magis Minute is a high quality 60-second radio spot production of The Magis Center that includes me giving a brief and dynamic explanation on a topic of intellectual evangelization with accompanying background music.  The topics produced so far are below.  They are primarily for Catholic Radio spots but feel free to listen to and download the files for your personal use.  Forthcoming segments will include topics such as “Why would an all good and all powerful God allow suffering?” “Is Man More than Matter?” and much more.
Segment 01:  Does Science Disprove God’s Existence?
Segment 02:  Can Science Completely Explain the Universe without God?
Segment 03:  Does Science Make Belief in God Credible and Responsible?
Segment 04:  Does Science Support an Absolute Beginning?
Segment 05:  How Does the Law of Entropy Indicate an Absolute Beginning for the Universe?
Segment 06:  Does Quantum Physics Prove that Something can Come from Nothing?
Segment 07:  Is the Claim “Past Time is Infinite” a Coherent Position?
Segment 08:  Could we have Arrived at the Present if Past Time were Infinite?
Segment 09:  Can there be an Infinite Number of Parts that Constitute the Whole of Past Time?
Segment 10:  Was the Universe Created with Humans in Mind?
Segment 11:  Is the Universe Finely Tuned for Life?
Segment 12:  Can the Multiverse Explain the Fine Tuning of Our Universe?