Can Someone Such as Ghandi Obtain Salvation?

Can Someone Such as Ghandi Obtain Salvation?

Full Question Can a person such as Ghandi obtain salvation? Answer The short answer is yes. But there are certain conditions that must be met. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, We must hold that the Holy Spirit offers to all the possibility of being made...
“For Many” and Not “For All” ?

“For Many” and Not “For All” ?

Full Question Why do the words of consecration say “for many” and not “for all”? Answer There are two dimensions to salvation: the objective and the subjective. The objective dimension refers to the redemption of the whole of mankind wrought by Christ’s death on...
Did St. Augustine Abandon the Second Commandment?

Did St. Augustine Abandon the Second Commandment?

Full Question Was St. Augustine wrong in abolishing the second commandment in favor of pagan idolatry in the Church? Why or why not? Answer The division and numbering of the Commandments have varied throughout the centuries. The numbering that is common within...
Are the Church Fathers Infallible?

Are the Church Fathers Infallible?

Full Question How can Catholics use 2 Maccabees 12:46 as a justification for purgatory when St. Jerome rejected its authority as Scripture? Answer It is true that Jerome did not initially accept 2 Maccabees as Scripture and thus would not have used the texts from the...
Are Prayers in a State of Mortal Sin Effective?

Are Prayers in a State of Mortal Sin Effective?

Full Question Can my prayers benefit the holy souls in purgatory if I am in a state of mortal sin? Answer The short answer is no. The reasoning that St. Thomas Aquinas gives is that just as an act cannot be meritorious for the doer of the act if he is in a state of...